Real Asset Investments

Stability and profitability combined
Investing in products that reduce portfolio volatility


Asset Street has a proven track record in real asset investments. We specialise in real assets such as real estate, agriculture, precious metals and commodities, providing investment options that are differentiated and uncorrelated to markets. This distinctive approach reduces portfolio volatility and generates an improved risk/return profile.

Our Approach

We understand the importance of diversification in investment. Our tangible-asset investment opportunities span across a variety of fields, from real estate to agriculture and beyond. These strategies are carefully devised and are customised to meet your specific needs, taking into account variables such as risk tolerance and investment horizon.

Why Hard Assets?

We believe in the resilience of hard assets, which offer a measure of stability during turbulent market conditions. They possess intrinsic value that is less influenced by economic fluctuations and thus add a protective layer to your portfolio. Investing in hard assets provides opportunities for diversification, risk management, and potentially cost reduction.

Our Advantage

As an independent entity, we have the flexibility to offer unbiased advice while accessing the best investment opportunities, research and products from around the globe. We consolidate asset reporting services, collaborate with a variety of partners, and provide customized investment solutions that cater to your diverse needs.

Our Expertise

We pride ourselves on our client-centric approach, which is based on global trends yet locally grounded. Balancing risk and reward, we use detailed analysis to pinpoint opportunities that align with your specific investment objectives.

We work on asset structuring, consolidation, and fiscal planning, while providing clear asset reports and risk assessments. Access to our network offers a disciplined approach to asset management and an upgrade in risk management.

Our Success

Our strength is reflected in our track record. Our asset-backed investment strategies have consistently delivered attractive returns for our clients, proving the effectiveness of our approach to portfolio construction, asset selection, and risk management.